Friday, April 27, 2018

Construction Started!!!

Welcome to the Blackthorn Drive Improvements Blog page! 

Blog updates will typically be posted on Friday of each week.  We hope that you find the information useful. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Mike DeBennette, the project manager, listed on the right side of the page.

Work Performed This Week, April 23rd to April 27th
·         Mill in-place and grading of the existing asphalt pavement.
·         Mobilization of equipment and material deliveries.
·         Connection to existing water main at the south end of the project.
·         Water main installation from south end of the project to culvert.

Work Anticipated to be performed next week, April 30th to May 4th.
·         Continue with water main installation along Blackthorn Drive from culvert to Sequoia Trail
·         Directional drilling of water main casing pipe to be installed under the existing culvert.

As you have noticed, the amount of construction traffic has increased since construction started this week. We appreciate your patience and understanding as you travel along Blackthorn Drive and throughout the neighborhood.

Two water main shut-downs also occurred last week.  One was schedule to make the connection to the existing water main on the south end of the project, you should have received a notice from the Village Water Department regarding this shut-down.  The second was an unexpected shut-down due to the contractor hitting a water service.  We thank you for your patience and understanding during these times.