Saturday, July 21, 2018

Culvert Replacement to Begin

Work Performed:
·         Removed and graded base course from culvert to Sequoia Trail
·         Paved first layer of asphalt pavement from culvert to Sequoia Trail
·         Installed Road Closed signs at culvert in preparation for culvert replacement. Unfortunately due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict with the contractor, the work was delayed into next week.

Work Anticipated to be performed, July 23rd to July 27th
·         Install in-stream controls prior to culvert replacement
·         Remove existing culvert
·         Replace existing sanitary sewer under culvert
·         Remove abandoned water main under culvert
·         Depending on work progress, begin installation of precast culvert sections.

With the first layer of asphalt pavement being completed hopefully you are seeing a reduction in the amount of dust and easier traveling. A majority of the topsoil is completed; however, there are some more areas to be cleaned up, graded, and topsoil installed.  Sod is still scheduled to be performed in early fall when growing conditions are more favorable.

We apologize for the delay in getting the culvert replacement work started.  Work is currently scheduled to begin early next week with the hopes of getting some of the culvert re-installed prior to the end of the week.

Thanks again for all your patience during the construction project.