Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Water Main Installation Completed. Water Service Replacements to be completed by end of the week.

Work Performed Previously
·         Testing of new water main completed
·         Replaced sanitary sewer services that were planned to be replaced
·         Started water service replacement to each of the homes.

Work Anticipated to be performed next week, May 29th to June 1st  
·         Complete water service replacements
·         Make connection to existing water main at Silverwillow Drive
·         Continue with sanitary sewer main repairs

As you are aware, the weather over the past few weeks has not been favorable with the frequent rain events. Construction has been delayed, but everything is being done to keep the project on schedule to the greatest extent possible.

The disruptions to your water service are coming to an end.  The water service replacements are anticipated to be completed by the end of the week. There are a total of 3 water main connections to the existing water main system at the project limits and each intersection.  It is anticipated those will be completed in the next 1-2 weeks. 24-hour notice will be provided to those affected residents prior to the schedule water main shut-down to make the connections.

Thanks again for all your patience and understanding.